![autel Alpha drone UAV is flying]()
The Autel Alpha is a multi-purpose intelligent industrial drone, featuring enhanced autonomous flight, anti-interference, obstacle avoidance, and advanced video transmission and battery systems for strong performance. Its foldable, IP55-rated design is built for tough environments. The RTK dual-antenna system offers millimeter-precision control during missions. Coupled with the DG-L35T gimbal, it includes a 560x zoom camera, dual thermal imagers, a wide-angle visible light camera, and a laser rangefinder. These dual thermal imagers provide both panoramic and detailed long-range views, enabling 8-kilometer personnel recognition for professional solutions in public safety, energy inspection, and emergency management.
![Feature of the drone autel alpha]()
Insight Beyond Limits
Autel DG-L35T Gimbal integrates dual thermal imaging cameras (short/long focal length), a 4K 35x optical Zoom camera, a wide-angle camera and a laser rangefinder.
![camere of autel alpha drone]()
Exceptional Anti-Interference Capability
Autel Alpha's high-precision visual positioning capabilities, adaptive frequency-hopping and SLAM navigation technology empowers resistance from interference and enables the drone to fly confidently near powerlines, critical structures and in complex areas.
A-Mesh Networking
With integrated A-Mesh networking technology, all drones and controllers establish a private network, supporting various working modes such as "single-controller multiple drones" and "master-slave dual control". Even in scenarios with long distances and obstacles, such as mountains, buildings, or areas without public network, the drones can achieve multi-device networking, enabling drone-to-drone autonomous communication, connection, and collaboration.
Autonomous Flight
Autel's Autonomy Engine is continuously improving, enabling functions such as global path planning and 3D scene reconstruction in complex environments. It ofers various obstacle avoidance capabilities, including return-to-home, manual contro, and mision planning, providing a more professional solution for industries such as security, inspection, and surveying.
No Blind Spots,Ultimate Obstacle Avoidance
By integrating multi-source sensor fusion technology, including 5-direction dual fisheye vision + 6-direction millimeter-wave radar, the drone is equipped with wire-level obstacle avoidance and pathfinding capabilities. It can detect minor obstacles like glass, poles, and powerlines. Additionally, it supports nighttime obstacle avoidance for flight safety.
Platform Capabilities
Redefines proficiency with its robust platform and all weather design.
Protection Rating: IP55
Wind Resistance: 12m/s
Maximum Flying Altitude:4500 meters
Operation Temperature: -20℃ to 50℃
*With high-altitude propeller
Hot-Swappable Batteries
Adopting a dual-battery redundant design, the fight time reaches 40 minutes, supporting hot-swappable batteries for seamless, eficient operations.
Multiple Payload Capability
The aircraft features multiple mounting interfaces: mounting interfaces. The Autel PSDK developer platform is open for creating a new industry ecosystem such as searchlights, loudspeakers, 4G/5G modules, and more.