The EVO Max series leverages Autel's autonomous tech for global path planning, 3D reconstruction, and obstacle avoidance, even in GNSS-denied environments, ensuring stable flight with precision navigation. It pioneers A-Mesh for multi-device networking and 720° obstacle avoidance with multi-sensor fusion, enabling all-weather operation. Equipped with advanced FusionLight cameras, it sets a new standard for applications in public safety, energy inspection, and emergency response.
![720 obstacle avoidance,superior Anti-interference capability]()
Mission Ready Payload
The EVO Max 4T boasts an impressive 160x zoom, alongside a thermal imaging camera and a precise laser rangefinder, while the EVO Max 4N enhances the lineup with a super-starlight-grade night vision camera, providing unparalleled visibility in the dark. Both models are equipped with a super-sensitive wide-angle camera, and their intelligent multi-sensor fusion allows for seamless, all-weather aerial operations with a touch of sophistication.
![autel max series drone uav MAX 4N ,MAX 4T]()
![thermal camera,laser rangefinder, starlight camera, wide camera]()
![thermal camera,laser rangefinder, zoom camera, wide camera]()
Chase the Heat & Explore the Night
Starlight Camera
With outstanding low-light environment imaging performance, it can accurately identify targets even in dark conditions, breaking through the limitations of nighttime shooting and ensuring continuous operations.
Super Zoom
The 8K zoom camera offers 10x optical and up to 160x hybrid zoom, detecting vehicles and ships at 2 km. Remote operation enhances efficiency and safety in energy, rescue, and security sectors.
Superior Infrared
Thermal imaging resolution up to 640x512, using 13mm / 9.1mm focal length lenses*, supporting 16x digital zoom for clearer and farther imagery.
Precision Ranging
One-click pinpoint positioning enables rapid acquisition of target location, with a maximum ranging distance of up to 1.2 kilometers.
Smarter & Safer
Autonomous Flight Planning
![Autel Autonomy's flight tech collects live data for global path planning, 3D mapping, obstacle avoidance, and safe returns in tough terrains, boosting security, inspections, and mapping.]()
Autel Autonomy's flight tech collects live data for global path planning, 3D mapping, obstacle avoidance, and safe returns in tough terrains, boosting security, inspections, and mapping.
High-precision visual navigation
SLAM tech ensures high-precision, low-latency navigation in areas with poor satellite signals, enabling stable flight with accurate indoor and outdoor positioning.
Accurate Object ID and Tracking
![AI-powered system with flexible payload support auto-identifies and tracks diverse targets like heat sources, people, and vehicles for high-altitude surveillance and data gathering.]()
AI-powered system with flexible payload support auto-identifies and tracks diverse targets like heat sources, people, and vehicles for high-altitude surveillance and data gathering.
720° Omni-directional Obstacle Avoidance
EVO Max series uses multi-sensor tech for 720° perception and obstacle avoidance in any weather,such as dust, fog, rain, and snow, handling tough environments and night flights safely.
More functions
Enhanced Stability, Reduced Interference
The built-in flight control computing unit, GPS receiver module, and image transmission module enable the EVO Max series to identify flight control interference signals and satellite positioning interference signals, providing outstanding anti-interference capabilities. This equips the EVO Max series with reliable flight stability.
Platform Capabilities
Redefines proficiency with its robust platform and all weather design.
Protection Rating: IP43
Operation Temperature: -20℃ to 50℃
Complete Remote Operations System
Used with the EVO Nest, the EVO Max series supports all-weather auto piloting for scenarios such as substations, industrial parks, and rooftops.
Enhanced Stability, Reduced Interference
The built-in flight control computing unit, GPS receiver module, and image transmission module enable the EVO Max series to identify flight control interference signals and satellite positioning interference signals, providing outstanding anti-interference capabilities. This equips the EVO Max series with reliable flight stability.
A-Mesh Networking
With integrated A-Mesh networking technology, all drones and controllers establish a private network, supporting various working modes such as "single-controller multiple drones" and "master-slave dual control". Even in scenarios with long distances and obstacles, such as mountains, buildings, or areas without public network, the drones can achieve multi-device networking, enabling drone-to-drone autonomous communication, connection, and collaboration.
Advantages of A-Mesh networking
Enhanced Anti-Interference
A-Mesh drones function as relays and task units, enabling data, command, and task operations over distances ranging from 50 to 100 km.
Beyond-Line-of-Sight Applications
In A-Mesh, drones act as relays to overcome physical barriers and enable beyond-line-of-sight communication.
Long Communication Distance
A-Mesh drones use a decentralized design, ensuring system resilience against node failures and boosting anti-interference.
Diverse Functionalities
A-Mesh drones offer comprehensive terminal capabilities for multi-drone cooperation in various sectors, from public safety to maritime affairs.
Intelligent Operations, Efficient and Safe
3D Flight Route Planning
Enables 3D map-based flight route planning and previewing, with terrain elevation consideration and manual map source switching
Emergency Mission Creation
In case of unforeseen circumstances, users can create temporary tasks in the air and flexibly modify based on the situation
Precise Repetition
By recording flight trajectories and camera actions, precise repetition can be achieved after selecting target areas in the footage.
Enhanced Live-View
Supports simultaneous output of visible light/night vision, infrared, and map displays.
AR Overlay
Displays real-time ADS-B data for quick object location and collision avoidance.